Past events

“Towards a Re-Conceptualisation of Property Rights”

Presentation of the international and interdisciplinary research group “Property Rights, Globalisation and the Social Function of Property"

Procida Symposion, 17-21 May 2017



15. November 2016

Employee share ownership and profit-sharing workshop in Berlin

14 September 2016

Meeting of the Inter-University Centre with the French partners at the office of the recently elected president of Paris-Sorbonne University


22 May 2015

Visit to the LURITEC pilot installation in the Berlin East Harbour

16-17 April 2015

1st Workshop on (Youth) Unemployment

The financial and economic crisis has strongly affected the European labor markets: Employment has suffered, umemployment rates have increased, labor participation rates were under pressure and migration and remigration patterns have changed. However, not all labor markets were affected alike. The heterogeneity of labor market adjustments is in the focus of the upcoming workshop.

More information ↓

30 January 2014
Taking Action: Promotion of Employee Share Ownership. Debating concrete policy options in the context of the EC Action Plan on Corporate Governanceread more

08:30-16:30 at Centre Albert Borchette, 36 rue Froissart, Brussels

At the full-day conference potential policy options to promote EFP are to be discussed. The interim results of the EU pilot project Promotion of Employee Ownership and Participation will be presented and best-practice examples from different countries debated. Michel Barnier, EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services will open the conference with a keynote speech. The event is jointly organised by DG Internal Market and Services, Europa-Universität Viadrina and Freie Universität Berlin (Inter-University Centre).

4 December 2013
Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Louis O. Kelso's birthread more

17:00-19:00 at Logensaal, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

The Kelso-Professorship and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies are planning to celebrate this occasion. We would like to commemorate the pioneering work of Louis Kelso in law, economic theory and finance and discuss with you the relevance of his concepts to the European Union today.

29 October 2009
Conference at the Italian National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL) in Villa Lubin, Romeread more

PEPPER IV Report and Italian language version of "Financial Participation for a New Social Europe" presented at the Conference at the National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL) in Rome, Villa Lubin under the auspices of Mario Sepi, President of the European Economic and Social Committee.

26 May 2008

Dîner-Débat in the Salons des l'Aéro-Club de France in Paris in cooperation with the French Corporate Governance Association (AFGE).

23 May 2008

Conference in the Solvay Library in Brussels.

21 May 2008

Book presentation in the European Parliament in Strasbourg under the auspices of Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament.

27 October 2007

Conference in the Federal Press Conference building in Berlin under the auspices of Vladimír Špidla, Member of the European Commission.

29-30 June 2006

Conference in the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris under the auspices of Isabelle Debré, Senator and Member of the High Commission of Participation.
