Component “EFP networks with Poland and Russia” in “Ideenwettbewerb zum Auf- und Ausbau innovativer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsnetzwerke mit Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten“ (Chair of Prof. Dr Stadtmann) / Funding: BMBF (May 2012 – Dec. 20
Within this project the Kelso Professorship and its Polish partners integrated researchers in Russian higher educational institutions in their research on employee financial participation (EFP) and distribution of property. Together with Mrs Kelso Messrs Lowitzsch and Hanisch travelled to Russia, where they met with potential cooperation partners and presented the Russian translation of the book “Financial Participation for a New Social Europe” at the Russian Academy of Economics and
State Service in Moscow and at the Economic Faculty of St Petersburg State University.
Also they participated in the inter-disciplinary conference “Social capital in modern society” at the Economic Faculty of St Petersburg State University. Furthermore, the above-mentioned book was published as part of the project.