Information and Communication Project – Promoting EFP in the EU-27 / Funding: European Commission (Dec. 2010 – Nov. 2011)
This project, implemented by a consortium of 26 organisations aimed at providing support for the inclusion of Employee Financial Participation (EFP) in the EU policy agenda. It created a large partnership to identify best practices to improve policy making and policy implementation while at the same time monitoring and reporting on the progresses of Member States in promoting EFP. The project consisted of nine national workshops organised by project partners in their country to disseminate results providing policy makers with concrete instruments to promote EFP and a three-day event entitled ”A Week of Employee Financial Participation” in Brussels. 20 Viadrina students co-organised the conference and took part in the event, five of them as speakers. To document the conference they set-up a blog, produced an image film and a conference trailer.

Book presentation in Brussels, President of the EP Jerzy Buzek